Unlock Your Earning Potential: Join Our Affiliate Program Today!

Easily Add Additional Income Steams with Our M2 Affiliate Program!

Increase income streams and sales for those serving Christian Entrepreneurs!

feeling called?

Feeling Called to Have Multiple Streams of Income, But Worried About Working Multiple Businesses?

Let us show you how (and give you the system) to not work multiple businesses, but work one business, with multiple offers!

Our Affiliate Program offers an unbeatable opportunity to boost your earnings and have multiple income and impact streams—all while partnering with God in your entrepreneurial journey.

Check this video to learn how we figured out a better way to have multiple income streams and how you can too!

It All Starts with Our Christian Connector Assessment That Curates the Perfect Resources For You!

If you haven't taken it yet, click here:

Is This You?

Whether you have tried managing multiple companies/offers at the same time or you are just feeling called to add additional streams of income, you can probably relate to these common concerns:

  • You want to offer your audience more, but you are worried about confusing them, or worse yet, they might think you are jumping ship on your current offer.

  • Not sure what to offer your audience that will actually empower them to reach their goals.

  • You have tried doing multiple affiliate or network marketing businesses before, but it just got too hard to manage.

  • You think that multiple offers from different companies, means you have to work multiple businesses.

  • You think that multiple offers from different companies, means you have to work multiple businesses.

Streamlining Success

We Discovered the Ultimate Solution for Maximizing Income Streams

We have learned the wrong way and the right way to have multiple income streams and we want to share it with you so you can reach the goals God has placed on your heart!

But first, let's explore this big question...

Why Have Multiple Income Streams?

Multiple Income Streams = Multiple Impact Streams

The most successful business owners in the world (such as Warren Buffett below) have multiple income streams for many reasons:

  • Multiple Ways to Serve: Offering what your audience needs, not only increases your sales, but your impact.

  • Financial Stability: If one source of income stops, you can rely on another.

  • Leverage: You can offer various resources, without you having to fulfill on it.

  • Wealth Creation: Giving you more ways to build wealth and achieve your goals.

→ Let Us Take the Concerns Out of Multiple Income Streams

Your Concerns

👉 Confusing Your Audience

You may be concerned that if you start offering multiple resources, your audience will be confused as to what your brand is and what you offer.

👉 Not Sure What to Offer

Maybe you have looked into affiliate or network marketing before and you just aren't sure what are the best options to offer you audience. You want to make sure they have your values, they will provide a good customer experience, and help them achieve their goals.

👉 Hard to Manage Multiple Streams

You might be concerned that managing multiple income streams, might mean multiple sales funnels, marketing strategies, and even various sales calls.

👉 Worried About Working Multiple Businesses

Do you get overwhelmed at the idea of having multiple income streams, because you don't have time to work additional businesses?

👉 Don't Have Time to Create New Offers

You are a busy Christian entrepreneur (among your other roles too) and you don't have time to create more courses, programs, or products to gain additional income streams.

Our Solutions

🔷 Offer Our Free Assessment

What if you could simply offer your audience a free assessment

to help them identify the best resources based on their needs? All because you partnered with an incredible Christian Connector Agency.

🔷 Check Out Our Curated Affiliates

What if you had a set of curated affiliate opportunities to choose from to offer your audience and get paid for when they sign up?

Just click here to see all of the affiliate companies we recommend.

🔷 Utilize Our One Easy Sales Funnel

Just imagine having one sales funnel to send your audience to that had most if not all, of your affiliate opportunities in it? Easily leading them to the resource that fits their needs best.

🔷 Just Share Our Funnel

What if I were to tell you that you don't have to work multiple income streams as multiple businesses? You can simply talk about how you've partnered with us (The Millionaire Momentum (M2) Connector Agency) and encourage them to check out our great resources (of which your offer is a part of too)!

🔷 Let The Affiliates Do The Work For You

Simply choose which of our vetted affiliate partners you'd like to join and let them fulfill on their product or service while you get paid for your audience choosing your link. No new content, programs, products needed.

Here's How It Works

What Types of Resources Can You Offer Your Audience?

Click below to check out all of the great companies we have partnered with and that you can join and start earning money from too!

just imagine

Ask them to imagine what life will be like when they too have the success you have?

Show Off All The Possible Benefits. Be Visual, Creative. Imagine The Benefits.



Get the above benefits and results without.....

Wasted time, wasted money, frustration, etc. Expand on how it has none of the usual side effects of what they've been frustrated with before.

go deeper

Go deeper into the benefits. How can you drive home the results more? Get as specific as possible.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et.

Show off just how much easier, lighter, happier, better things will be when this solution is placed into their lives.

What's Included?

For just $47 a month or $517 Yearly, you get all you need to have and maintain multiple streams of income!

We are not your typical affiliate program, we want to be the affiliate program to bring the other affiliate programs to you with these great benefits:

Your M2 Partnered Affiliate Links Get Added to Our Funnel!

Your Business/Offer Link Gets Added to Our Main Page For Your Audience to Choose

Earn Full Commissions From Each of Your Chosen M2 Partnered Affiliates

Lead Data From Everyone Who Visits Your Affiliate Funnel


Get Our M2 Directory to Get 10k On Your Business Included!!

Check out these additional benefits you receive below or click here to learn more!

Directory Listing

A Social Media Shout-Out

On-Going Promotion to Our Email Audience Whenever You Update Your Listing

Ability to Connect With and Buy From Other Christian Entrepreneurs!

All for only $47 a month!

(Or Save one month by paying yearly: $517)

Plus you get $10 a month for each affiliate you refer to us who joins!

Just Imagine...

As an M2 Affiliate Member after simply inviting your audience to take the Christian Connector Assessment, this is what your month could look like:

New Customer: M2 Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 Earned

3 New Customers: M2 Affiliate Program. . . . . . .$60 Earned

New Customer: Promptings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100 Earned

2 New Customers: Daily Pay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,500 Earned

Recurring Income: Flexxbuy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75 Earned

This is only signing up for 3 additional companies (since our M2 products are already included in the affiliate program)!

Example: Total EARNED IN ONE MONTH = $1,760

Note: All compensation claims below are for illustrative purposes only and can vary by company and offer therefore, they are not guaranteed

How All Of This Got Started...

Our Crusade To Empower Others with Multiple Income Streams!

Meet Aly Porter and Elise Smith, two Christian entrepreneurs (both in the sales & marketing business for over 14 years). Because we were both driven to offer more resources to our audience, we both got started in multiple companies.

People thought we were crazy and said you can't work so many companies at once, but we knew the benefits of having multiple offerings to better serve our clients. But, they were right, we couldn't work so many businesses at once, or at least we thought....

God showed us how we don't have to work multiple streams as multiple businesses but as one business with multiple offers!

It was all about finding the golden thread, the thing that ties all of the offers together under one umbrella so it wouldn't overwhelm them. That's when the The Christian Connector Assessment was born!

Now, we had a way to curate the perfect resources for our audience in a fun and personalized way and people called it genius!

That's when we knew we had to share this incredible platform to help others easily tie multiple streams together too!

So come join us and start helping your audience to 10x their faith, finances, and future!

Just Imagine

Just imagine effortlessly managing multiple income streams, offering your audience tailored recommendations, and having a profitable built-for-you sales funnel.

Imagine the relief of offering multiple income streams without overwhelming your audience. Picture the ease of guiding potential customers through a customized assessment and automated funnel, all while knowing you're providing tailored solutions that resonate deeply with their needs and you're getting paid for each of them. With our solution, you can transform your business, streamline your processes, and unlock a new level of success—all while staying true to your brand's unique identity and message.

Streamlined Income Streams

Customized Recommendations

Earn Full Commissions From Each of Your Chosen M2 Partnered Affiliates

Lead Data From Everyone Who Visits Your Affiliate Funnel (contact info, plus the resources they are interested in)

→ WHAT’S INCLUDED (Not Your Typical Affiliate Program)

Customized Funnels for Your Business

Say goodbye to having multiple sales funnels for multiple income streams! With our program, you'll get added to our Christian Connector funnel leading them to take the assessment, come to our networking events, and even check out your offer within the funnel. All meticulously crafted to showcase your business and your chosen income streams.

Plus, we will follow-up (via email) with each person who shows interest in the offers in our sales funnel.

Flexibility to Scale

With our affiliate program, you have the power to scale your income streams according to who we partner with and the needs of your audience. Simply come to our monthly affiliate meeting to learn more about the new affiliate companies we offer and we will add any new offers to your sales funnel.

Whether you're looking to add additional revenue streams or explore new opportunities, our platform offers the flexibility you need to adapt and grow your business with ease.

Lucrative Commission Opportunities

Earn 100% commission based on our affiliate offers, maximizing your earning potential with every sale. Additionally, enjoy a generous 25% affiliate reward on our directory program, and $10 for each person you refer to become an affiliate with us.

Increase Your Leads

Not only do you earn great commissions through our M2 affiliate offers and gain sales for your business, but you will also increase your leads! You will have the contact information for every person who goes through your customized funnels!

Come Join Our Affiliate Program!

It's Never Been Easier to Have Multiple Income Streams and Serve Your Audience

All for only $___ a Month or $___ Yearly


Explain the Limited Time Deal...

Are there limited quantities? Limited time? Special offers? Explain and give a reason why they must take you up on the offer today.

This is your scarcity. You must have some sort of scarcity to encourage immediate action.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae

How It Works...


Choose & Sign Up For The Affiliate Offers You Think Your Audience Could Use

Simply click on this page to learn about all of the affiliate offers we have for you to join, offer your audience, and start getting paid from.


Submit Your Information For Us to Add You To Our Proven Funnel

Complete a form with the your affiliate links from our M2 partners, information about your business or your offer that you'd like highlighted on your funnel, and other information so we can add you to our proven funnel.


We Add Your Affiliate Links to Our Funnel

We'll seamlessly integrate you into our proven sales funnel, which includes our Christian Connector Assessment and free virtual networking events for Christian Entrepreneurs. This single, comprehensive funnel directs your audience to tailored recommendations and affiliate offers, maximizing your earning potential without the hassle of managing multiple funnels. As participants engage with the funnel, you'll effortlessly earn commissions from the M2 offers you've signed up for.


Share With Your Audience and Get Paid!

Upon receiving your links via email, we'll provide you with compelling marketing materials to effortlessly promote your two customized funnels to your audience. For instance, a simple social media post could read: "Exciting news! Partnered with M2 Connector Agency to offer you incredible resources. Take the assessment to unlock exclusive insights and supercharge your faith and finances!"

As your audience engages with your funnel, you'll collect their contact information, and any purchases they make through your affiliate links will earn you commissions. Best of all, they'll have no idea which offers you're affiliated with, ensuring a seamless experience for all.


Join Our Monthly Affiliate Meetings To Learn About New Affiliate Opportunities!

Every month we will be hosting an affiliate meeting where you will learn about ways to share your funnels and our newest affiliate partners. If you feel they are a good fit for you, simply sign up and we will add them to your funnels automatically for you!

This way you are always adding new resources for your audience!

Ready To Join Us for Only $___ a Month or $__ Yearly?

Choose Your Affiliate To Sign Up Today!

M2 Affiliate Program

Choose Your Affiliate Who Referred You:

Thank you for choosing your affiliate, you can click submit now

M2 Affiliate Program

Choose Your Affiliate Who Referred You:

Thank you for choosing your affiliate, you can click submit now

Your Awesome Product Name


First Piece Of The Offer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Offer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Offer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Offer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Fifth Piece Of The Offer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Sixth Piece Of The Offer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Seventh Piece Of The Offer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Eighth Piece Of The Offer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)

TOTAL VALUE = ($2500)

Today's Price = $297

Looking for more?

What if you could get even more exposure for your business?

jane awesome

acme co.

Highlight on what they loved about your product.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros auris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros

Check out our super affiliate program where only the best companies get chosen to be highlighted by M2.

video proof

Add some video testimonials if you have them. They are really powerful.


Remind them that waiting will have consequences, what will happen if they don't act now.

M2 Super Affiliate Program

After Becoming an M2 Affiliate, Apply to Get Even More Exposure For Your Business!

If Approved, You Can Get Everything in the M2 Affiliate Program Above Plus Your Offer/Business Will Be Added to the Following Locations:

  • Directory Listing

  • In Our Networking Events

  • In Our Weekly Emails

  • On Our Social Media

  • Our Skool Community as One of Our Resources

  • Not Just Your Funnel But Ours and Future Affiliates

  • Spotlighted in our Monthly Affiliate Meeting

For Only $__/Mo. (Or $__ Yearly) + __% on Your Products/Services We Will Advertise For You!

Have Questions?

Check out our frequently asked questions to learn more about this incredible opportunity!

Program and Products

What is the M2 affiliate program?

The M2 affiliate program is an opportunity for Christian entrepreneurs like you to partner with us and earn commissions by promoting the products and services we have partnered with, as well as your business/offer link to your audience through one easy funnel. This empowers you to not only gain additional streams of income, but have another sales funnel to offer your own product/service.

Are there any requirements or restrictions for becoming an affiliate?

While there are no strict requirements to become an affiliate (you don't even have to have a business or product to sell), we do encourage you to share our Christian Connector Assessment or our free networking events (all in the same funnel) with your email and social media audience at least monthly. This way you get the most out of your participation. Additionally, please be aware that there are no guarantees of sales, leads, or income.

What kind of products and services can I promote as an affiliate?

As an affiliate, you'll have access to a range of products and services from our partnered M2 affiliates. These may include courses, coaching programs, software/systems, products, and more, all designed to empower Christian entrepreneurs. Each of the affiliates we have partnered with and offer have been vetted through us to ensure they are a reputable business and are a great fit for Christian entrepreneurs.

What if I want to promote another affiliate company that you haven't partnered with?

Since we vet each affiliate company that we offer, you are more than welcome to complete email us at [email protected] to recommend affiliate offers for us to review. If approved, then we will inform you about this and any other new affiliate offers that you can choose to sign up with and have added to your funnels each month at our M2 affiliate meeting. If we do not feel they are a good fit for our offerings then you will be informed via email with or without a reason. Note: M2 has the right to decline partnering with any company they choose to in order to keep the integrity of our brand.

Can I customize the funnel I share with my audience?

No, everyone will be using the same funnel since that is how the system is set up, but we will give the audience the ability to choose you as their affiliate to get your specific website/link so they can see your offer by visiting that site.

How often can I change my business/offer link in the funnel?

Your business/offer link that we will put on the results page of the assessment funnel, is meant to focus on your main website or offer and not specific events that you have or current sales pages. Since your membership also includes an M2 Directory listing, that is the best place to add any sales or other products and services you'd like to advertise. Remember, that each time you update the events or products/services section of your Directory listing, we will email it to our entire audience, giving you lots of exposure.

Can I choose to join other M2 affiliate offers for additional streams of income after signing up?

Absolutely! We encourage you to sign up for as many affiliate offers as you feel would be a good fit for your audience at your initial sign-up, but you are more than welcome to complete this form (just adding the additional affiliate links you signed up for) anytime you'd like your affiliate link added to a new M2 partnered affiliate offer in our funnel. This can take up to 30 days to add. Also, at our monthly affiliate meeting we will also be informing you of any new affiliate offers that you can sign up for, so you can always stay up to date on great ways to add value to your audience and gain additional streams of income.

What on-going support is available for affiliates?/When Are the Monthly Affiliate Meetings?

We are here to help you succeed in sharing this funnel to grow your income and better serve your audience, that's why we invite you to join us for our monthly affiliate meeting on the first fourth Friday of each month at 9am PST/Noon EST. Here we will help answer any questions you may have, give you new materials for sharing your funnel (as available), and inform you of any new affiliate opportunities you can join and have added to your funnel. Additionally, if you have any questions before then or need support, feel free to email us at: [email protected]

How can I refer other entrepreneurs to join the M2 affiliate program and how much can I earn?

Once you are an affiliate and have your funnel links, simply encourage them to go through your assessment funnel and they will see a link to learn more about our M2 affiliate program. They will then be taken to this page and they can choose you as their affiliate to get your specific affiliate link. Once they sign up, you get $10 a month for each person you refer as long as they continue to pay their fee.

What is your cancellation policy?

Feel free to cancel anytime by emailing [email protected] and putting in the subject line: M2 Affiliate Cancellation. Please note that we do not offer refunds and once you have cancelled your membership your customized funnels will be deleted within 30 days of cancellation.

We also make no guarantees of income and although we vet each company we work with, we are not responsible for any experience you may have with any of our affiliate offers.


How much commission can I earn as an affiliate?

Commission rates vary depending on the specific offer and affiliate agreements you choose to sign up for with our M2 partnered affiliates. Rest assured, we have found companies that offer competitive commission rates to reward you for your efforts in promoting our funnel. Plus you will get 25% one-time commission for any sales on our M2 Directory and $10 a month for each person you refer to us who becomes an affiliate as well as long as they continue to pay their fee.

Please note: there is no guarantee of income or commission.

How and when do I get paid for my commissions?

Commission pay out type and cadence are based off of the M2 partnered affiliate programs that you decide to join. Commissions on the M2 Directory and our M2 affiliate program are typically paid out each month for new customers you bring in, and payments are processed through PayPal.

How can I track my affiliate sales and commissions?

Since you are signing up for specific affiliate offers through various companies you will need to check their specific tracking process. As for commissions from the M2 Directory and our M2 affiliate program you can check your clicks and sales through your Affiliate Member portal that will be emailed to you.

Still Have Questions?

Come To Our Office Hours at 7am PST/10am EST Mon-Fri. by Clicking Here To Join Our Community Where You Will See Our Calendar and Zoom Link:


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. Integer quis hendrerit eros auris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum.

Matthew 5:14

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.