EmpowerYou VIP Speaker Studio

with Dr. Ola Kolawole

→ Become an Empowered VIP Studio Speaker

EmpowerYou VIP Speaker Studio Experience

Ideal for:

Speakers, coaches, authors, and corporate groups/teams seeking to attract more speaking engagements, clients, and sales by speaking in a professional studio environment. This offer is perfect for summit organizers and teams looking to elevate their events and transform team gatherings into unforgettable experiences with high-quality audio and visual equipment.

What it offers:

An all-inclusive, luxury 2-day event that provides you with a platform, resources, and network to establish your authority, generate leads, and skyrocket your career. Participants will enjoy a stay at a top-tier hotel, gourmet dining, exclusive access to a prestigious golf club, and the opportunity to create a professional speaker reel. Additionally, the event includes mastermind sessions, networking opportunities, and access to social media content to boost your online presence.

Key Benefits:

✔ 10x Your Visibility: Gain unparalleled exposure and join the top 1% in your industry by speaking in a professional studio environment.

✔ Boost Credibility and Authority: Secure more speaking opportunities, enhance your credibility, and increase your income.

✔ Increase Leads and Sales: Generate high-quality leads and sales from our audience and the collective audience of all speakers, helping you reach your 6 or 7-figure goals.

Unlock your potential and elevate your speaking or coaching career with the EmpowerYou VIP Speaker Studio Experience, a luxury 2-day event that provides unparalleled exposure, professional resources, and high-quality leads. Don't miss out on this transformative opportunity—book your call today and secure your spot!

→ Share Your Faith Through Fashion

Wear Your Faith

Ideal for:
Fashion-forward Christians eager to showcase their faith through their style. Welcoming men and women who want to make a spiritual statement while staying on-trend and spreading God's love through their wardrobe.

What it offers:
Wear Your Faith presents a vibrant platform where fashion and faith converge. Offering a diverse array of Christian merchandise, our collection allows individuals to express their devotion to Jesus in a stylish and impactful manner. From bold designs to subtle accents, each piece is crafted with care to inspire conversations and uplift spirits.

Key Benefits:
Inspirational Fashion: Access a curated selection of clothing and accessories that reflect your -Christian values and beliefs, serving as a powerful tool for evangelism and outreach.
Community Engagement: Join a thriving community of believers who share your passion for faith-based fashion, fostering connections and support among like-minded individuals.
Financial Opportunity: Become a Wear Your Faith Affiliate and earn commissions while spreading the Gospel message through fashion. With flexible earning potential and simple linking tools, it's a win-win for your wardrobe and your wallet.
Impactful Conversations: Spark meaningful discussions about faith and spirituality simply by wearing our merchandise, creating opportunities to share God's love with those around you.

Ready to make a statement of faith with your wardrobe? Join Wear Your Faith today and let your fashion shine with the light of Christ!

→ tagline for your module

Name of Module 3

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Grab the Free Empowered Speaker Checklist

Hear more from Dr. Ola Kolawole

Next Steps:

To Learn More or Join Us, Visit the Website and Book Your Call Today!